
This contains the original implementation of the package and is retained for the moment so that the code may be scavanged for the good bits. For historic reasons it also contains the first Apeman implementation that actually worked and did not look like Jacob Zuma’s resignation letter.

Module contents

Import hook extending pytz package with usable, generic timezones: GMT-14 up to GMT+12.

Note that pytz already has Etc/GMT+X timezones, but (quoting Wikipedia):

“In order to conform with the POSIX style, those zones beginning with “Etc/GMT” have their sign reversed from what most people expect. In this style, zones west of GMT have a positive sign and those east have a negative sign.”

Because this is insane, we are simply introducing our own zones that will not have this fatal flaw.

Alternatively one might prepend ti the __path__ attribute of a module

class original.OverlayImporter(*args, **kvps)[source]

Bases: object

find_module(name, path=None)[source]